
We, thanks to God, are all right and passing the days in the usual way. Please keep us informed of your welfare...There is no fresh news to give. The same worrisome problems exist; and neither do we know what will happen...

In His Most Exalted Name

Respected Khanum,

I received your letter after waiting for a long time. It seems that you had forgotten us the moment you left Najaf, not thinking how anxious we would become on the delay of your letter. In any case, I hope you are happy and healthy, God willing.

We, thanks to God, are all right and passing the days in the usual way. The weather here keeps changing but, on the whole, it is good. Please keep us informed of your welfare, even if it be in a few words, once a week or at least once in two weeks. There is no fresh news to give. The same worrisome problems exist; and neither do we know what will happen. May God set matters right.

Give my regards to the family and all our relatives, particularly Siddiqah and Fati Khanum. Kisses to Hassan. You must bear in mind that if the time to return elapses, it is not certain whether we can apply and whether it would be granted. You should hurry so that it would not be late. Do not listen to anybody; or else you will remain in Iran.


Jamadi ath-Thani 21, 1394 AH

Iqlim sends his regards to you and Faridah. Since the time you left, he has been in good health.

Sahifeh, vol3, Page: 36

Date: July 12, 1974/ Tir 21, 1353 AHS/ Jamadi ath-Thani 21, 1394 AH

Place: Najaf, Iraq

Subject: Family-related

Addressee: Khadijah Thaqafi



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