
The annual festivities first started on February 1, 1979, commemorating the moment the late Founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, set foot on the soil of Iran amidst the enthusiastic welcome of the people after fifteen years of exile.

For this reason, from the 12th day of Bahman, which is the day of Imam Khomeini's arrival in Iran, to the 22nd day of Bahman, which is the day of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, it is called the "10-day dawn "and every year, special celebrations and ceremonies for the victory of the Islamic Revolution take place in is held these days.


12th of Bahman is the beginning of the '10-Day Dawn' of Iran's Islamic Revolution, which millions of Iranians celebrate every year.

The annual festivities first started on February 1, 1979, commemorating the moment the late Founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, set foot on the soil of Iran amidst the enthusiastic welcome of the people after fifteen years of exile.

Ten days after his arrival in Iran, on February 11, 1979, Iran's Islamic Revolution embraced victory. It is for this reason that from the 12th to the 22nd of Bahman (January 31- February 10), it has been named '10-Day Dawn.'

Every year, celebrations and special ceremonies of the victory of the Islamic Revolution are held during these 10 days.

46 years ago, on the 12th of Bahman 1357 in Persian Calender (February 1, 1979), Imam Khomeini, the great founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, after fifteen years of exile and distance from his homeland, stepped into the soil of Islamic Iran amid the enthusiastic welcome of the people.

Ten days after his arrival to Iran, on the 22nd of Bahman 1357 (February 11, 1979), the Islamic Revolution of Iran reached victory over the former Shah of Iran.

Every year on the 22nd of Bahman, people from all over Islamic Iran renew their allegiance to the ideals of the Islamic Revolution and the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution with their million-man presence in a magnificent march.

 The arrival of auspicious month of Bahman on the Iranian calendar reminds us of the victory of the Islamic Revolution and triumphant of moral powers on vicious.



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